What am I doing wrong while installing a glass blackboard?

Asked By randomUser123 On

Hey everyone! I'm trying to install a 6 x 4 ft glass blackboard (weighs about 79 pounds or 36 kg) on my drywall. I used some magnets to locate the stud, but when I started drilling, a lot of white dust came out and I noticed a burning smell. Is it possible there's cement behind the drywall? My drill can go all the way through, but the anchor won't fit. I'm worried the hole is getting too wide. What should I do? Here's a [picture of what I'm working with](https://imgur.com/a/KfoPM4q).

3 Answers

Answered By drillMaster88 On

Hey! That burning smell could be due to friction if your drill's speed isn’t high enough. You might be hitting something harder behind the drywall. Do you know what’s on the other side of the wall? That could be key in figuring this out.

Answered By photoGuru22 On

Sharing pictures like the one you linked can really help others give better advice! But yeah, if you’re facing resistance, just verify everything about what's behind the wall and your tools!

Answered By wallExplorer99 On

It's tough to say what you’re hitting. If it's an exterior wall, there could be cement blocks with 1X2 furring strips. If not, you might be dealing with a knot in the wood or a dull drill bit. Also, double-check if your drill is rotating the right way! You might not even need anchors if you can screw the brackets into the studs directly—just make sure they’re secure!


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