How Can I Create Concealable Bluetooth Earphones with a Remote Control?

    Asked By L0v3Ninja92 On

    I recently faced a situation at work where my company banned headphones, which caused quite the stir. However, they don't really enforce the rule too strictly, so I've been thinking about crafting something innovative. My plan is to create a pair of bone conduction earphones that I can hide under my hair, and I want to control them with a remote button that's hidden in my shoe. This way, I can keep my ears free and manage playback discreetly without attracting too much attention. The tricky part is figuring out how to make that wireless button function. Any suggestions or guidance would be greatly appreciated!

    1 Answer

    Answered By TechGuru503 On

    You might want to consider using hearing aids as a base idea since they're designed to be discreet and can function similarly. Alternatively, just go for regular bone conduction headphones. People usually won't bat an eye if you say they're for 'magnetic therapy' or something like that, especially if they don’t know what bone conductors are.


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