Is Faced Insulation Okay for Basement Ceiling Soundproofing?

Asked By xX_RandomM4n_99_Xx On

I'm working on insulating my basement ceiling to help cut down on the noise from my surround sound system while the kids are sleeping. I found R-30 faced insulation at Menard's but they don't have it unfaced. Can I use the faced insulation even though it's not an exterior wall? Also, does it matter which way the paper faces?

1 Answer

Answered By s0undW1zard On

Using faced insulation in your basement ceiling can work, but just keep in mind that it might not be as effective for soundproofing as you hope. The faced side is meant to be towards the living space for climate control, and since it’s not an outer wall, you might not need that. What’s really gonna help is separating the drywall with something like a resilient channel to minimize sound transfer. Just a heads-up!


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