How Can I Raise My Soil pH from 3.3 Before Spring Planting?

Asked By Gard3nN3rd! On

I recently tested the soil in my new suburban garden and got an average pH reading of 3.3. I'm planning to start a cut flower garden this spring and am worried about the acidity. I intend to send a sample for a more accurate lab test, but I'm looking for quick solutions. I've heard about using wood ash and lime, but with a pH this low, I'm not sure it will be enough. Is there anything else I can do to improve the pH before planting?

3 Answers

Answered By SoilSavvy99 On

Honestly, it’s best to wait for your lab test results before making any drastic changes. The readings from soil probes can be misleading sometimes.

Answered By GreenThumbGal On

That’s super acidic, almost like vinegar! I wonder if there are already plants growing well despite the pH. I’d definitely be cautious with any soil probes in the future. Have you noticed any plants thriving?

Answered By PlantLover88 On

If your soil really is in the low 3s, raising the pH before this spring might not be feasible. But don’t worry, there’s always next spring to try again!


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