What Should I Focus On for My Vegetable Garden?

Asked By Gard3nL0ver42 On

So I've started this vegetable garden, and I'm pretty good at keeping an eye on what plants need more or less water and sunlight. I also try to plant complementary or companion plants together. However, I'm not really strict about using different types of soil or fertilizers—just sticking to one kind for everything—and I don't stress too much about spacing my plants perfectly. My goal isn't to max out my harvest or anything. I keep a spreadsheet to track what I need to know for each plant, but it feels like I keep finding new things to worry about and it's overwhelming. I'm mainly doing this for some extra food for myself and my community, so I really want to know what's truly important to focus on.

1 Answer

Answered By PlantWhisperer7 On

Honestly, it sounds like you're on the right track! For thousands of years, people have been growing crops just fine with the basics: water, sunlight, and organic materials in the soil. Sure, adding things like chopped leaves can help, but don't feel pressured to overwhelm yourself with too many products. Keep it simple!


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