Can Seedlings Get Leggy When Grown Outdoors?

Asked By G4rdenFreak92 On

I've always heard that leggy seedlings are mostly an indoor issue, but can it happen outdoors too? I want to know if lack of light can cause leggy growth in outdoor plants, or if it's just something you usually see under grow lights.

2 Answers

Answered By GreenThumbMaster On

You're right that leggy seedlings happen from a lack of light, but it is possible to see them outdoors if the plants are in deep shade or competing for sunlight. Generally, though, it’s pretty uncommon for outdoor plants to get leggy since they usually get enough light. The wind outdoors also helps strengthen their stems.

Answered By KaleCrafter67 On

Yeah, it’s mostly an indoor problem! I know from experience that outdoor seedlings get enough natural light unless they're in a really shady area. If you start them too close together, that can lead to leggy growth as they compete, but they usually handle it fine overall.


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