How to Grow Raspberry Canes Without Them Taking Over My Garden?

Asked By G4rd3nL0ver89 On

I recently bought some raspberry canes in pots after my kids asked for them. I followed the instructions and separated the five canes, planting two in pots and three directly in the ground. Now I'm wondering if keeping them in pots is a good idea, especially since I want to be able to move them into sunny spots. What can I do to help them grow better? Should I trim the tops of the canes? Is using compost alone sufficient for their needs? Also, how often should I water them? Lastly, I'm a bit concerned they might take over my garden since my strawberries are already spreading everywhere!

2 Answers

Answered By P0tt3r52 On

Honestly, I'd recommend keeping all the raspberry canes in pots. I planted some directly in the ground once, and they ended up invading my neighbor's garden. When you put them in big pots with plenty of compost, they'll thrive and mostly take care of themselves. Just water them only when the soil feels dry!

Answered By BerryExpert99 On

Definitely keep those canes in pots. They only last a year before turning woody, and new canes will grow nearby. Just remember to cut down the old ones to let the new ones thrive. Trust me, putting them in the ground can lead to chaos!


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