I've got a planter box that's built into my patio, and I just filled it with fresh soil. Unfortunately, my neighbors' cats have taken a liking to it and have been digging around in there. I've tried sprinkling cayenne pepper on the soil, but it hasn't worked. Since I can't install a lid due to the planter's location against the fence, I'm looking for some effective strategies to prevent these kitties from using my planter as their playground. Any suggestions?
3 Answers
Another effective method is to use small mesh plastic netting with some landscaping staples. Just cut the mesh a little larger than your planter, so you can adjust for any plants that grow taller. Once your plants fill in, cats will stop seeing it as their personal litter box, and you can remove the netting later.
You might want to try using plastic forks! Just stick them into the soil with the tines pointing up. It's a simple yet effective deterrent since the cats won't want to dig around in that. Plus, it's easy to remove when you want to work in the garden! Check out this link for more details: https://thehappygardeninglife.com/blogs/organic-gardening/garden-tip-plastic-forks
Have you thought about talking to your neighbor about their cats? It's really their responsibility to keep them at home. A friendly chat could help solve the problem without any hard feelings.