Living with a Big Tree: How Do I Deal with the Mess and Light Issues?

Asked By Z3nM0nkey88 On

I've just moved into a new place and there's this massive lime tree right in front of my house. It's a real hassle! The tree drops tons of leaves, attracts birds (which means a lot of bird droppings on my car and driveway), and there's sticky sap all over the place. Plus, it's blocking out light and messing with my TV reception. I've asked the council for help, and they sent someone to prune it, but they barely did anything useful. I'm looking for suggestions on how to tackle these problems since I can't remove the tree. Any advice?

1 Answer

Answered By HappyGardener123 On

It sounds frustrating! Since you can’t remove the tree, your best bet might be to invest in a good quality leaf blower for the mess and maybe consider a car cover to protect it from droppings. For the light and reception issues, some people have had success with reflective window films or even signal boosters for TV reception. It might not completely solve everything, but it could help a bit!


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