How Can I Encourage Moles to Leave My Garden Without Harm?

Asked By gArD3nNoO0b On

I just moved into a cozy little house with a tiny garden that backs onto a nature reserve, and I've noticed a lot of mole hills popping up. I raked them down and tried putting grass seeds over them, but they're back! I really don't want to harm the moles; I'm looking for suggestions on how to gently encourage them to move along without killing them.

3 Answers

Answered By mOLeChaser42 On

Honestly, it might be best to embrace the moles! Given the natural surroundings, they’re likely just doing their thing. You could make the garden more mole-friendly with flower beds or shrubs. You can also use the dirt they dig up to enrich your garden beds. If you do want them to move on, consider trying electronic repellents—those seem to push them to a different area.

Answered By GardenGuruX On

Moles can actually be beneficial since they aerate the soil. If you're looking to keep them away without harm, noise is often effective. You could try a solar-powered mole repellent or planting certain herbs that moles dislike—though results can vary. Just be careful, they like to dig in quiet areas, so a barky dog might help too!

Answered By NatureLover99 On

If you really want to try something hands-on, you can set traps. Alternatively, an old trick I learned is to use jam jars underground. Moles can’t back up, so they’ll get stuck. But make sure not to hurt them when you handle them—they have super soft fur!


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