When’s the Next Milwaukee Deal Round?

Asked By G3nn3r7 On

Hey everyone! For those who have been around for a while, I'm curious when you think the next deal round for Milwaukee tools will be. I managed to snag a great deal during the last overlap at Home Depot, getting the drill driver kit for $125 thanks to a battery hack. I'm really hoping to grab a stubby impact soon, but I'm wondering if there's a deal on the horizon?

1 Answer

Answered By ToolLover99 On

I think your best bet is to look for the current Buy More, Save More deal online. The stubby impact was part of that promotion but has been out of stock a lot. If you find it online, you might be able to get it for a good price, but good luck getting it at the store if it doesn’t ring up right! Just show them it’s still listed on the website as part of the deal for other M12 tools.


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