Do I need to harden off my seedlings if they’re near a sunny south-facing window?

Asked By Gard3nN0va45 On

I'm new to gardening and wondering if placing my seedlings by a sunny south-facing window can completely eliminate the need to harden them off. I know hardening involves exposing them to sunlight, but does it also mean they need to adjust to lower outdoor temperatures?

3 Answers

Answered By NatureLuvr23 On

Nope, just putting them by a sunny window won't cut it. The glass filters out some UV rays, so they still need to be hardened off to adjust to the full outdoor conditions. It's not just about light; they also need exposure to wind and temperature changes. For my seedlings, I like to run a fan to mimic outdoor conditions, but it's still not the same as the real thing outside.

Answered By PlantWhisperer88 On

Yeah, I’d say just go ahead and harden them. Wind and light are key factors. Plus, there might be other variables at play that you haven't considered yet.

Answered By CuriousSprout12 On

I wonder if there’s a simpler way to avoid the daily hassle of taking them outside? But I guess it’s better to do it right.


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