Hey everyone! I recently dove into woodworking and made the mistake of using a jigsaw without any ear protection for just a few minutes. It left me with a buzzing sensation in my ear for a while, so I'm determined never to go without protection again. I've picked up some 30dB earmuffs and 35dB earbuds, and I'm curious if that combo will effectively shield my ears from further damage while using the jigsaw.
4 Answers
Honestly, it's pretty unlikely that a couple of minutes with a jigsaw without protection caused any significant damage unless it was an extremely loud model in a small space. Just using something like ear buds or earmuffs alone should be fine.
Absolutely! Using both is a smart move even though it won't equal a full 65dB reduction; it adds a safety cushion. I’ve used jigsaws a lot and they’re usually manageable in terms of noise, just be sure to keep your gear on. Plus, I recommend checking out the NIOSH sound level meter app to gauge how loud it really is when you're working.
Keep using both! Even if one might suffice, it’s better to be safe than sorry. Hearing aids are costly, and trust me, you don’t want to learn that lesson the hard way!
You’re actually well-covered with that gear! It's more than enough unless you’re blasting music at ear-splitting levels while cutting. Most situations don't need that much protection – it’s kind of like hearing protection overkill.