Best Way to Cut a Table Top Longer Than My Track Saw?

Asked By WoodWorker923 On

I'm working with a 1400mm (55") track saw, and I need to cut a 72" long table top down to size. Is my only option to buy an additional track and connectors? Also, would it be feasible to make the first cut of 55", then reposition the track to finish the last 17"? I have TSO parallel guides, so I'm confident I can match the cut width after moving the track.

2 Answers

Answered By SawdustSam On

You should be fine with your plan! Just make sure the first cut is nice and straight; a bit of sanding can fix any small imperfections later. Those TSO guides are pricey but definitely worth it for this kind of work!

Answered By CutMasterFlex On

Instead of stressing about it, you could just set the track on one side, use a board behind it for alignment, and clamp everything down. It might sound a bit confusing, but it works—especially after a drink or two! Haha!


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