Help! My Stud Finder Is Going Crazy While Installing a PowerBridge

Asked By User1234@xyz On

I'm trying to install a PowerBridge and my stud finder is going nuts with a strange red area showing up on the readings. The blue marks seem to indicate where the studs are. I can't make sense of what that red area might be. I've also attached images for reference: [Image 1]( and [Image 2]( The stud finder only detects the vertical stud when I check from the closet side of the wall. What are the chances I can run the PowerBridge cable through whatever that red area is? Any tips on how to snake behind it?

1 Answer

Answered By DIYWiz789 On

It’s possible that if the TV was planned during the construction, they might have put up plywood or some other backing behind the drywall to make mounting easier. If there’s an outlet behind where your TV will go, you could cut a small hole next to the outlet to peek inside the wall and check it out. Just remember to make the hole as small as possible—enough to see what’s going on inside. Since you mentioned nothing is showing on the opposite side, I’d bet on plywood or OSB being there. Good luck!


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