How to Install Corner Shelves in a Shower?

Asked By User2394!@# On

I'm currently tiling a new shower in my bathroom and I'm looking to add some corner shelves similar to the ones I found online. I'm not sure about the installation process - should I install them over the tile, or would it be better to put them in before tiling and then tile around them? Any tips would be appreciated!

2 Answers

Answered By DIY_Hero22 On

I found a tutorial that might help! Check it out [here]( It has some great details.

Answered By TileMaster9 On

You'll want to tile up to the height you want for the shelf and then set it into the corner with thinset like it's just another tile. After that, you can cope the tiles above it to fit around the shelf, treating it as if it were part of a horizontal grout joint. It's a neat way to get a clean finish!


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