How Many Cuts Can You Get From a Cheap Pull Saw on 2x4s?

Asked By User_8325XxA On

I've recently picked up an Irwin pull saw for a project and am really impressed with how lightweight and sharp it is. I originally intended to use it for cutting smaller pieces of lumber, but I'm curious about its durability for cutting 2x4s, especially made of softwoods like Douglas fir or pine. Do you think this type of saw could handle at least 100 cuts before needing to be sharpened? Also, are inexpensive pull saws worth sharpening, or is it generally better to just toss them and buy a new one?

1 Answer

Answered By PineSlicingPro On

Seriously, you can cut way more than you think with those saws. The soft nature of 2x4s paired with the hardness of the saw blade means it's built for longevity. For example, my $16 Japanese ryoba has tackled some tough hardwoods and is still very sharp. Just keep at it and enjoy!


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