Help! Tiny Bugs on My Succulent – What Are They?

Asked By gArd3nL0ver91 On

I'm really stressed about these little bugs I found on my succulent, and I need help identifying them! They showed up after I put a light on one side of the plant to help it get better light, so I'm guessing they're attracted to that. I had just watered the plant a few hours before I noticed them. The bugs were on the rim of the pot and crawling on the leaves. I couldn't find a match for them in common houseplant pest descriptions, so I'm a bit lost here. Can anyone help me figure out what these might be?

1 Answer

Answered By BusyBeeGardens On

Thanks for sharing a pic! From what I can see, they might be fungus gnats or maybe scale insects. Have you checked the soil moisture? Sometimes overwatering can attract gnats. Try letting the soil dry out a bit. If it's scale, you might need to remove them manually or use some insecticidal soap.


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