Should I Switch to NRF24L01+PA+LNA for Reliable 40m+ Communication?

Asked By xXRandomUser42Xx On

Hey folks! I've been using **ESP-NOW** for wireless communication between two **ESP32s**, but I'm hitting a wall at about **30m** where the connection starts to drop. I really need something that can reliably cover **40m+ indoors**, even with some walls in the way. Given this situation, I'm thinking of switching to **NRF24L01+PA+LNA**, which claims a range of **100m** with an external antenna and less interference since it runs on **SPI** instead of WiFi. Before I make the purchase, I have a few questions:

1. Will the NRF24L01+PA+LNA provide a stable connection for over 40m indoors?
2. Are there better options available in the same price bracket (around **€200-€300 per module**)?
3. Are there any common issues with power stability or setup tips for integrating NRF24 with an ESP32?

3 Answers

Answered By RadioWizard On

If you're open to other options, has anyone mentioned **LoRa**? It’s designed for long-range communication and could be worth considering, depending on your project needs. It operates in a different frequency range and is also pretty robust.

Answered By TechGuru99 On

You should definitely see a reliable connection beyond 40 meters with the NRF24L01+PA+LNA, especially indoors. Just be mindful of the wall materials and any reinforcing that could interfere. Outdoors? No sweat at all! Just keep in mind that you’ll want to solder a **10 uF capacitor** across the power connections. Trust me, it makes a big difference in stability when transmitting!

Answered By SignalMaster77 On

I’m curious about your environment too—what do the walls look like and what are the sources of interference? Knowing that might help pinpoint the issues with your current setup. Also, I’ve heard some people getting over **200 meters** with ESP-NOW, so something might be off there!


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