Is a 7-Gallon Grow Bag Good for Growing Peppers?

Asked By PepperP1ant34 On

Hey everyone, I'm looking to grow some peppers but I'm not sure if a 7-gallon grow bag is a good choice. I couldn't find a clear answer online, so I thought I'd ask here for any advice or experiences!

3 Answers

Answered By Gardener_Guru88 On

From what I've read, a 7-gallon bag is actually fine for growing peppers! Some folks typically use 5-gallon bags, but a little extra space can be good too. If you've got the 7-gallon bags, they should work well!

Answered By ZucchiniFan2021 On

I used 7-gallon bags last year for my peppers and they did great! I also had zucchini and cucumbers in them, and they thrived as well! There wasn’t a huge difference compared to my 10-gallon bags. So it’s all good!

Answered By PlantPal99 On

Honestly, 7 gallons are a bit larger than what you might need for peppers, as they can thrive in smaller containers. But if you already have them, go ahead and use what you've got!


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