Why Are My Deck Replacement Quotes So Varied?

Asked By User42#7B1X On

I'm in Central Kentucky and looking to replace my second-floor walkout deck, which measures 25' by 12'. I've started getting estimates, but the quotes I've received are all over the place, ranging from $15,000 to a shocking $60,000 just for a standard wood deck with wood railings. Also, the completion times they're giving me are between 4 to 6 weeks, which feels like a long wait for something that should be straightforward. I'm curious if these costs and timelines seem reasonable or if I'm missing something here.

3 Answers

Answered By DeckDude99 On

Honestly, 4-6 weeks sounds about right for a deck, especially if it’s elevated. Elevated decks involve more complexity than low ones, and if inspections are needed, that can add extra costs and delays. I've seen contractors hesitant to quote replacements without first tearing down the old deck since they often discover issues that can escalate costs dramatically. Just be prepared for that possibility!

Answered By HandyHelper22 On

Do you have a specific plan for your deck? That can really help when talking to contractors. If you lack a clear vision, it might lead to more confusion in the quoting process. I've had some contractors ask me just for pictures to get started on the estimates, and I find that pretty effective!

Answered By CostSavvyGal On

The wide range in quotes could be due to how busy the contractors are. If they're offering long timelines, they might be treating your deck as a fill-in job, which can actually help lower costs. So $15k doesn't seem too strange, given various factors like materials and complexity!


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