What to Do About Tree Stumps Without Attracting Termites?

Asked By H0m3G3n3r8r On

I recently bought a house that has two freshly cut tree stumps in the front yard. I'm really concerned about termites being attracted to these stumps. What are some effective ways to deal with them?

3 Answers

Answered By CampfireChick21 On

I actually removed a stump in my backyard by just having a campfire on top of it for a few hours. It worked like a charm, but make sure to monitor it closely!

Answered By NatureLover88 On

There are a few options! You can either dig them out, burn them, or let nature take its course and accelerate the rotting process with potassium nitrate. Just keep in mind that burning might require more safety precautions.

Answered By StumpRemovalDude99 On

If you're looking for a quick solution, you might want to get those stumps ground down by a professional arborist. It could cost around $200 each, but it’s a surefire way to prevent any future termite issues. Just make sure to trim any shrubs nearby too, as they can get uncomfortably close to your siding!


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