Looking for Brass Saw Backs in Canada

Asked By Br4ssM4n89 On

Hey folks! I'm on the hunt for brass saw backs and would really prefer to buy from a Canadian source if possible. I've been eyeing the ones from Glancy's Alchemy, but I'd love to support local makers instead. Any suggestions?

2 Answers

Answered By MapleWood88 On

You might want to check out Great Lakes Tool Works. They were making brass saw backs, but I just noticed they have a notice saying they've stopped production for now. Still, their site lists some saws; it could be worth reaching out to them for any updates!

Answered By C0pperS4w_Guy On

I don't have a specific source for brass saw backs, but I recommend looking for a local jobber shop that has the right bending equipment. Just make sure they can anneal the brass while bending it; otherwise, you might end up with cracks. Good luck!


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