What’s sprouting in your garden so far this year?

Asked By G4rD3nH0l1C! On

I'm curious about what everyone's been seeing in their gardens! What's the first plant that has sprouted for you this year? Feel free to share what you planted first and your gardening zone! I'm in zone 6a, and while nothing is up outside yet, I'm excited that my catnip and hyssop are already sprouting indoors in planter boxes. Just planted some onions, chives, carrots, radish, and garden cress yesterday too.

3 Answers

Answered By SeedSlinger92 On

I’m seeing green beans sprouting! They’re one of my favorites to grow. How about you guys? What’s your go-to plant?

Answered By PlantPirate88 On

I got cucumbers and tomatoes coming up! They always seem to be the overachievers in my garden. What about you? Any luck with those onions?

Answered By GrowGreenHero On

Hyacinths are thriving for me! Also, I’ve got some daffodils peeking through. I'm in zone 7a, but I haven't planted any veggies yet. Just enjoying the flowers for now!


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