What’s the Best Deal You’ve Found on a Table Saw?

Asked By Carp3nteR42! On

I'm a carpenter and hobbyist woodworker looking to upgrade my table saw for my workshop. I'm debating whether to go for a used, high-end option or wait for a better deal. I've found a 1.5 hp Grizzly saw with a full Incra setup for $1500, but I'm not sure if that's a fair price. What have you all spent on your saws? Any tips for snagging a good bargain?

2 Answers

Answered By WoodworkWhiz99 On

You might want to check out the Ridgid 4512; if you avoid older models with trunion issues, you can grab one for under $400. Plus, you can always upgrade the fence later to enhance performance!

Answered By OldSchoolMaker88 On

My first big tool was a Delta Unisaw from '54 I scored for only $150! If you're willing to tinker with vintage models, you can find some great deals that perform really well, even if they need a bit of tuning.


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