I'm planning to install weed fabric over about 2,000 square feet of flower beds that have quite a few flowers and bushes to work around. I'm aware of some of the downsides of weed fabric, but I'm set on using it. I'm curious about what I should expect to pay for this installation. Thanks for any insights!
3 Answers
If I were to quote this, I'd say it could range from $1,500 to $8,000, depending on how many people you have working and how long it takes. Just to lay down the fabric, you could be looking at about $1,500 to $2,000. Keep in mind, that doesn't include anything like removing old mulch or weeds.
Just a heads up, installing weed fabric might lead you to spend even more later on, like for removal. After a few years, it can become a total nightmare as weeds take hold. If you do decide to proceed, go for the heavy-duty woven stuff. It's sturdier and better for long-term use. And if you have trees, keep the fabric away from the trunks to avoid issues. Good luck!
Honestly, I'd think twice about weed fabric. It can be a real hassle. Just go for mulch instead and save yourself a lot of trouble!