Tips for Keeping White Oak Bowl Blanks Fresh and Green?

Asked By Crafter1234 On

I had a bunch of thick white oak logs that I split and cut into bowl blank rounds, thinking I'd have a small neighborhood turning class, but those plans fell through. Now I want to keep these bowl blanks green for a month or two until I can use them for my own projects. Right now, they're in contractor bags inside large plastic totes, lifted off the bottom with cedar strips and a bit of water to maintain moisture. I'm worried this might lead to mold and rot. I've heard some people fully submerge wood in water, but I don't have the space outdoors for that. I know freezing is a good option, but these pieces are pretty large. Originally, I should have left the logs uncut, as I've learned that the bark helps keep wood green. Is what I'm doing okay, or is there a better method I should consider? I really don't want to toss these beautiful pieces in the burn pile before giving turning a shot!

1 Answer

Answered By WoodWhisperer99 On

I’ve found that keeping wood in a sealed space can promote mold growth. A good trick is to paint the end grain with Anchorseal; it helps slow down drying and cracking. I’ve also heard that latex paint can work pretty well too. Just be cautious about how you store them to avoid moisture buildup!


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