Best Practices for Supporting a DIY Paver Patio

Asked By DIYer123! On

I'm currently in the process of installing a paver patio in my backyard. I've done my research and already have the necessary materials, including the pavers. However, I'm a bit confused about the area surrounding the patio. Since my backyard has low soil levels due to previous washout, I'm wondering how to properly support the edges of the patio. Should I just fill in around the edges to give the base and pavers some support, or would it be better to build a retaining wall to provide a border? I'm looking for some clear advice since we're planning to tackle this project this week. Thanks for any help!

1 Answer

Answered By HandyAndy42 On

Definitely extend the base beyond the pavers by about a foot. Compact it really well, and then taper the topsoil down to match your yard's grade extending out 3 to 5 feet. It wouldn't hurt to compact that too; you can put down some plywood and run your compactor over it to avoid damaging the soil. If you don’t have a compactor, check out marketplace sites for a used one you can rent then resell after you're done!


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