How to Build a Paver Patio on a Sloped Backyard?

Asked By User9873xyz On

I'm planning to build a 12x12 foot paver patio in my sloped backyard, which has a slope falling 3/4 inch per foot, resulting in a 9-inch difference from the front to the back. I'm struggling to find any resources that explain how to tackle this situation effectively. I'd prefer not to construct a retaining wall if it's avoidable. What steps should I take?

1 Answer

Answered By GardenerAce42 On

To handle that slope, you should dig down 4.5 inches on the back side and build up the front side by the same amount. Then, make sure to grade the rest of the area to allow for water runoff. This will help you create a level area for your patio while managing the slope effectively.


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