What’s the Best Way to Store Leftover Insulation?

Asked By User_4823@#! On

I recently finished a home renovation and ended up with about 6 or 7 leftover batts of rockwool insulation. I'm wondering how I should store it. Is it worth keeping, or should I just give it away? It's taking up a lot of space, and my cats have been messing with it since I haven't covered it. I considered using a vacuum foam mattress bag for storage, but I also can't use the insulation anywhere in my house because there's no attic and I don't want to open up any walls.

3 Answers

Answered By CraftyAndy123 On

One way to store your insulation is to pop it inside some heavy-duty black trash bags. Just tie them up well! Also, if there’s a Habitat For Humanity Restore near you, they’re usually happy to accept insulation donations.

Answered By RenovationRookie On

Honestly, I don't see much point in storing it, especially given the space it takes up. I’d suggest just gifting it or donating it to someone who might need it.

Answered By GreenThumbGuy On

You could also list it on Facebook Marketplace! There are usually people looking for good insulation. If you’re not going to use it, it could help someone else out.


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