How Does Runtime of Flexvolt Batteries Compare to 20V Batteries?

Asked By User3298x! On

I've been looking into how flexvolt batteries work, specifically how their runtime stacks up against standard 20V batteries. Since flexvolt batteries can be used with 20V tools, I'm curious about how a 6AH flexvolt battery's runtime compares to that of a 6AH XR battery. Theoretically, I thought it would offer about three times the runtime, but I'm seeking some practical insights on this. Any thoughts? Thanks!

2 Answers

Answered By ToolGurus99 On

That's an interesting point! I wasn't aware that flexvolt batteries only match the XR runtime when used at 20V. Good to know that flexibility is useful, but for 20V applications, performance is pretty equivalent.

Answered By PowerToolsFan87 On

When using a 6AH flexvolt battery in a 20V tool, you'll find that it actually has roughly the same runtime as a 6AH XR battery. This is because flexvolt batteries are rated at their 20V capacity—so a 6AH flexvolt is indeed rated for 6AH at 20V, but it's 2AH when at 60V. So, you shouldn't expect a huge difference in runtime here.


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