Can I Install a MrCool Mini Split Condenser Under My House?

Asked By RandomUser1234 On

I'm considering installing a MrCool DIY mini split system, but I'm unsure about where to place the condenser. My house is elevated on 4-foot piers, and the space underneath is open without a subfloor or insulation. It's typically cool down there, and since I live in a subtropical region, I mostly need the unit for cooling rather than heating. I think installing the condenser underneath might help it run more efficiently by keeping it cooler, but I'm worried it could heat up the room directly above it. Is there anything I should be aware of before making this decision?

1 Answer

Answered By CoolTechGuy99 On

Generally, it's not a great idea to place the condenser under your house. Even though it stays cool, it can lead to issues like restricted airflow, which might hurt its efficiency, and could also create heat buildup in the upper room. Plus, you have to consider maintenance access; it might be tough to get to if it's tucked away underneath. Just something to think about!


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