Help Me Understand Deck Building Regulations

Asked By R3dFl4g On

I'm planning to build a freestanding deck in my backyard and I came across some regulations that have me a bit puzzled. The rules state: "Terraces, patios, uncovered decks, and ornamental features, which have no structural element more than three feet above or below the adjacent ground level, may project 10 feet into a required yard. However, all such projections must be set back at least three feet from an adjacent side or rear lot line, and 20 feet from any front lot line." Does this mean my deck must be at least three feet from my privacy fence? I'd really appreciate a clear explanation of these requirements!

3 Answers

Answered By C0nstructo On

The phrase "at least 3 feet" actually refers to the minimum distance you need to maintain from your property line, not a maximum. So, you're free to build your deck further away from the fence if you'd like! Just keep in mind any other restrictions due to things like utility lines, which can be a consideration if you’ve got a sewer main running through your yard.

Answered By BuildBuddy On

Setback requirements like these are common for decks and other home extensions. The distances provided are minimums meant to ensure there’s access and safety around your property. So don't worry, you have some flexibility with how close or far you want your deck from the property lines!

Answered By DeckMaster99 On

You're required to stay at least three feet away from the side property line, but you can definitely build further away if it suits your needs! The 20-foot rule applies to the front property line. Also, if your deck is completely freestanding in the middle of the yard, check with your city for specific dimensions since setbacks can vary. It’s also good to verify any utility easements that might affect where you can build!


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