What Tool Should I Get Next for DIY Projects?

Asked By DIYer1234 On

I'm looking for recommendations on what tool I should invest in next as a beginner DIYer. I've got a circular saw, miter saw, trim router, jigsaw, orbital sander, drill, and impact driver already. Since I'm moving into a new home and need to build some cabinets, I'm considering a table saw, biscuit joiner, or brad nailer. I'm a bit worried about getting a table saw because I'm mostly learning from YouTube and hands-on experience. Any thoughts or advice you could share would be super helpful!

4 Answers

Answered By ToolGuru77 On

If your budget allows, I’d recommend going for a table saw. It really gives you clean and smooth cuts that you won't necessarily get with a circular saw or router. Just keep in mind that you'll need to buy blades for it too, which can add to the overall cost. If you're focusing on cabinet work, an air compressor with an 18g brad nailer is also a great investment; they can be quite useful for cabinetry and trim work. A decent air compressor, like the quiet California Air model, won't break the bank and makes a big difference! Also, while a biscuit joiner can help with alignment, a dowel jig might be a more cost-effective option. Hope this helps!

Answered By BuildMaster42 On

What’s your next project? The kind of work you're planning to do plays a huge role in deciding which tools to get next!

Answered By SmartShopper99 On

If you're comfortable with the circular saw, you could skip the table saw and get a track jig instead. It’s a safer choice if you're still learning, and it takes up less space and costs less too. Plus, I'd definitely recommend getting an air compressor—you'll find those air tools incredibly helpful for your home projects! They're usually pretty affordable and easy to manage. Just remember that while a table saw is great for small rips, you can make it work with your circular saw if you're willing to get a little creative with setups and clamps!

Answered By SawEnthusiast88 On

Consider getting a SawStop table saw if you're ready to invest a bit more. It's great for safety and reliability. If the price is a bit steep, look into contractor or jobsite models that might fit your budget better!


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