What’s the Cost to Replace Garage Doors?

Asked By S3r1ousA3sthetic On

I'm really frustrated with my garage doors. They've been misaligned since we moved in, and I'm thinking of replacing the two left doors with a single double car garage door, leaving the right one as is. I'm also curious about how much this project might cost. Here's a link to some photos of the current setup: https://imgur.com/a/2szWxqW

3 Answers

Answered By QuoteGuru88 On

For a job like this, I recommend getting a few quotes from local garage door services. Last time I had mine serviced, it was around $5,000 to $7,000 based on how fancy you want the door to be. Definitely worth checking out a few companies to compare prices!

Answered By SafetyFirst91 On

Replacing garage doors is generally not a DIY task unless you're experienced. Seriously, those high torsion springs can be dangerous if you mess up. That said, you could handle most of the work yourself and just hire a pro for the springs. I did something similar years ago and only paid $200 for a tech to wind the springs.

Answered By DIYDee123 On

I replaced my garage doors a few years back, and honestly, it’s a job you can do yourself with a buddy. Just make sure to follow the spring installation instructions closely—those can be tricky, but the rest of the job isn't hard. Just be careful with the springs! They're stronger than they look.


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