Best Wood Types for a Butcher Block or Cutting Board?

Asked By WoodCraft3r99 On

Hey everyone! I'm new to woodworking and I'm interested in making a butcher block or cutting board. I'm wondering if there are specific types of wood I should use, any particular stains I should avoid, and what finishes are safe for food contact. Also, I'd like the board to be large enough to cover the top of my oven. Any advice would be greatly appreciated! Thanks for taking the time to help me out!

2 Answers

Answered By WoodenWonder12 On

I'd recommend avoiding soft woods and open grain ones like red oak. Maple is a classic option; however, if you want a rich color, walnut is fantastic but tends to be more expensive. Use a water-resistant glue like Titebond III, and it's best if you skip the stain or any poly finish. For the oil, you can just go with mineral oil or a mix of beeswax and oil for a nice finish.

Answered By CraftyHands88 On

Absolutely, you want to stick with hardwoods. Avoid anything with open pores like red oak, as it won't hold up over time. Instead, finish it with a food-safe oil like mineral oil or tung oil—just skip the stains since they're not safe for food surfaces. Good luck with your project!


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