How Often Should I Fertilize My Indoor Plants with Dyna-Gro 936?

Asked By Pl@ntL0ver99 On

I'm relatively new to houseplant care and I'm planning to use Dyna-Gro 936 as fertilizer. I'm curious about how often I should be applying it. Should I mix it into the water every time I water my plants, or is there a specific frequency I should stick to?

2 Answers

Answered By GreenThumb14 On

A lot of people use Dyna-Gro about every second or third watering. It seems to work well that way without over-fertilizing.

Answered By PlantPro2023 On

Personally, I fertilize with every watering. I switched to Dyna-Gro from Foliage-Pro, and I mix about 1/4 teaspoon per gallon of water. It seems to keep my plants happy!


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