Does a 1/16 Inch Difference Matter for Drawer Slides?

Asked By U7q8X!9s On

Hey everyone! I'm in the process of building some drawers and I noticed that the box they're going into is 1/16 inch narrower at the back compared to the front. The specifications for the drawer itself are 33 inches long, 18 inches wide, and 5 inches tall. I'm wondering if this 1/16 inch difference could cause any issues with the side mount drawer slides, like binding or getting stuck. Each drawer is going to hold about 80 lbs, so I want to make sure they work smoothly. Thanks for any insights!

1 Answer

Answered By N3zxY8p On

I'm leaning towards 'probably not' as well. A 1/16 inch difference is pretty minor in the grand scheme of things, so I doubt it will cause any significant issues. But just to be safe, ensure everything's aligned properly when you're installing the slides.


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