Is it okay to turn off my A/C for 6 months in Hawaii?

Asked By CrAzYd00d43 On

Hey everyone! I'm deploying soon and living alone for the first time. I usually don't use the A/C and prefer to keep my windows open while I'm home. However, I'm worried that if I close my windows and shut off the A/C for 6 months, my place might get moldy in Hawaii's humid climate. What do you think?

3 Answers

Answered By HawaiianL0ver92 On

If Hawaii is anything like the southern states, skipping A/C could lead to some serious mold problems. Tropical regions can get super humid, so you definitely want to run your A/C to help control moisture when you’re away for an extended period.

Answered By MoldBeGone321 On

Definitely keep the A/C running even at a higher setting, like the low 80s. It helps pull moisture from the air, which is key in preventing mold when you’re sealed up tight for so long.

Answered By FanFanatic77 On

Some A/C units have a dehumidifier mode, so check if yours has that option. It can help run cool without overusing energy, but either way, it’s smart to keep the air circulating to avoid mold issues.


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