I just sprouted my seedlings three days ago and decided to set them outside in the overcast sun today. The temperature is around 63°F. Is it okay for them to get natural sunlight at this stage, or is it too soon? I've been keeping them indoors under a grow light, but I thought natural light might be better. What do you think?
2 Answers
I usually put my indoor starts outside pretty quickly after they've emerged too, as long as the weather is good. If the sun is really bright, I start them off with just a couple of hours of morning sun. Overcast days are less of a concern. Just a heads up, it might be beneficial to keep an eye on your soil temperature since some seeds might take a bit longer to germinate, especially tomatoes. When the seedlings get a bit bigger, they'll be fine outside all day in good weather, but watch the nighttime temperatures carefully.
It's probably fine to let them enjoy some natural sunlight, especially since they just sprouted. Many gardeners start seeds in greenhouses under similar conditions. Just be cautious of any cold overnight temperatures. If it gets nasty out, you might want to bring them inside or to a more protected spot. Since you took them out right after germination, they should be okay. Just keep an eye on them!