Can I Grow Broccoli and Cauliflower in Grow Bags Instead of Straw Bales?

Asked By randomUser1234 On

I'm trying to figure out a plan for my garden. My husband and I were going to try straw bale gardening, and he's currently working on conditioning the bales. However, the bales won't be ready for another three weeks, but our broccoli and cauliflower seedlings are already ready to be planted. I've heard that waiting three weeks might be too late for them. Plus, they're taking up a lot of space inside, and my poor succulents need their lighting back! I have some 3-gallon grow bags that I originally bought for bell peppers. Can I plant the broccoli and cauliflower in those bags instead?

2 Answers

Answered By noviceFarmer42 On

I've never really conditioned my straw bales in advance. They tend to condition themselves as I water and fertilize the plants. You could even take one of your bales that’s been conditioning and try transplanting a couple of seedlings into it to see how it goes in your area. Might be worth experimenting!

Answered By gardeningGuru88 On

3-gallon bags should be sufficient for broccoli and cauliflower, but make sure to keep them well-watered and fed. It sounds like a good plan if you're short on time, and they'll appreciate the room!


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