Help with My Electrical Setup for the Shop

Asked By q3t@Hz1S9 On

I recently repurposed the 220v wires that used to power my hot water heater and brought them to my small workshop. I purchased a power panel box, which I think is a 50 amp box that accommodates two breakers. I've connected the two hot wires from the hot water heater into this box. Additionally, I drilled a hole in the floor and installed a ground rod, running a green ground wire up into the panel box. I connected this ground wire to the common rail since it seemed like the right place to do so. Is my setup okay, or have I made any mistakes?

3 Answers

Answered By happyDIYer76 On

Did you run a neutral wire back to your main panel, or do you just have the two hot wires? You’ll need a neutral wire for any 120-volt loads, and remember that the ground and neutral should be kept separate in your new box. Also, is your shop a separate structure? That would explain needing a ground rod.

Answered By d3v1c3guy93 On

You've got some major safety concerns here! First off, make sure you call an electrician to review your setup before you try to use it. It's better to be safe than sorry. You really don’t want to risk anything going wrong with electrical work, trust me on that.

Answered By electralert99 On

While your box might be rated for 50 amps, you need to check the wire ratings too. Plus, be cautious about what you’re planning to run off it in the shop. If you don’t have everything rated correctly, you're opening yourself up to some serious risks. Always better to err on the side of caution!


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