Ideas for Sophisticated Baby Proofing My Brick Fireplace Corners

Asked By C3zP0n1_m3 On

I'm looking for ways to baby-proof the two exposed corners of my brick fireplace that stretch from floor to ceiling. My baby is just 9 months old, and I want to make sure she stays safe. I'd prefer a stylish solution rather than the usual pool noodles that just requires cutting and gluing. Any creative suggestions or examples would be really helpful!

2 Answers

Answered By W1nd0wS0m3 On

There are actually bumpers specifically designed for this kind of situation. You might want to check out 'Hearth Cushions' or similar padded products—there are quite a few options available that look nice and provide good protection.

Answered By R3dBr1ckS4f3ty On

Foam 'L' shaped cushions are a great choice for covering corners like yours. Just search for things like 'corner protector' or 'parking protector' and you’ll find several stylish solutions to keep your baby safe!


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