Is Mold Resistant Drywall Enough for a Shower with Schluter Membrane?

Asked By Xy9j4A#yLp On

I'm curious about my contractor's choice to use mold resistant drywall for our shower enclosure, and he's planning to apply a Schluter membrane over it. I've usually seen either DuraRock or Kerdi Board for this purpose. Is this a bad idea, or should we expect it to last around 20 years without any issues?

2 Answers

Answered By C0ntractorX On

The drywall is an approved substrate for Schluter. I've seen installations that last decades under the right conditions! I personally would opt for cement board for peace of mind since it's inexpensive insurance, but you should be good with what your contractor has chosen too.

Answered By bLuePanda24 On

Using mold resistant drywall with a Schluter membrane is actually fine! The company allows it, and many people end up going this route. Just make sure the installation is done correctly, and it should hold up well.


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