Are Humidifiers a Good Investment for Houseplants?

Asked By Pl4ntPal99 On

Hey fellow plant enthusiasts! I'm thinking about getting a humidifier for my indoor plants. I live in Florida where it's already pretty humid, but I wonder if an extra boost would be beneficial for my plant babies. I've heard mixed reviews from some plant YouTubers about whether it's worth it. What are your thoughts? If you think it's a good idea, can you share some brand recommendations? Thanks a bunch! 💚

1 Answer

Answered By GreenThumb123 On

I live in Florida too and have a decent-sized humidifier set up with my Stromanthe, Calathea, and Alocasia. They really seem to appreciate it, especially during winter when humidity can drop. My indoor humidity usually stays above 40%, so most plants do fine without one. I use the Levoit 6-liter model, keeping it on the highest mist setting and it turns on and off automatically at 60%. Just a heads up, I only use RO (reverse osmosis) water in mine because tap water can leave a white residue when it evaporates. If you want, I can send you a link to the one I use!


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