Best Tips for Painting My Townhome Interior?

Asked By PeInt3r4life On

I'm looking for advice on how to paint the entire interior of my rented townhome. The walls are currently a hideous yellow, and with the lighting the landlord has installed, it just looks awful. I'm willing to take the risk of sacrificing my security deposit to do this myself. I've watched a few videos and it seems pretty straightforward, but I want to do a great job without breaking the bank since this will be a one-time project. If the landlord doesn't like it, they can always hire a pro. Any tips on techniques, painting tools, or roller brands would be super helpful. Thanks a lot!

2 Answers

Answered By RollerExpert23 On

When rolling, I always use a 5-gallon bucket with a paint screen—makes it so much easier! Set it close to the wall section you're working on to avoid accidents with trays. Fill it halfway to keep the screen above the paint. Also, cut in the edges as you go and don’t let them dry; I usually get about 10-15 feet ahead before rolling—works like a charm! Make sure to get a good extension pole too!

Answered By FirstTimePainter On

YouTube is a goldmine for learning painting techniques! Just remember, prep is key. For your first time, practice cutting in with a brush in a closet to get comfortable. When you're ready, always prime before painting—it's way cheaper and makes a big difference. And definitely plan for two coats. Even the one-coat claims usually need a second for an even finish!


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