Why Are My Off-Grid Batteries Dropping Voltage So Fast?

Asked By User1234! On

Hey everyone! I'm looking for some advice regarding the battery setup for my off-grid house. I have 5 batteries, each with 100 amp hours and running at 12 volts. During the day, they charge from my solar panels, typically ranging between 12 to 36 volts at up to 15 amps. However, at night, the voltage drops to about 11.8 volts, and during the day, the max charge I've seen is around 12.8 volts. I've noticed that as dusk approaches, the batteries drop from 12.8 volts to around 12.2 volts in less than an hour! Is that normal? It feels like one of the batteries might not be holding a charge properly and affecting the others, but I'm not sure. Any help is appreciated! Thanks in advance!

1 Answer

Answered By BatteryGuru99 On

It sounds like your batteries might be struggling to fully charge. Typically, you’d expect to see voltages above 14.0 volts when charging. If your batteries are not hitting those levels, it might be worth fully disconnecting them and letting them charge independently for a few days. It could help in isolating any issues. Just keep an eye on how high your charge controller allows for the voltage, as some can limit it around 13.7 volts, which might not be ideal for a full charge.


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