How Do I Re-Seal My Kitchen Countertops Without Stripping the Old Sealer?

Asked By User1234xyz On

I'm looking for advice on resealing my kitchen countertops. We thought they were laminate, but it turns out they're concrete covered with contact paper, which we peeled off. The concrete has quite a few pockmarks and stains from cooking, and the old sealer is not holding up well against acids. I've found a well-reviewed, food-safe water-based sealer (Ghostshield 660), but I'm unsure if I need to strip the old sealer completely before applying this new one. I'm reading a lot of conflicting information and really want to avoid making a mess or risking the color of the current stain. Can I apply the new sealer over the old one, and what's the best approach?

2 Answers

Answered By ConcreteGuru99 On

Have you thought about skim coating it? This could give you a new, even surface to work on without having to strip the old sealer completely. It sounds like an annoying situation, but a skim coat could simplify the process for you.

Answered By CrazySealMaster On

The key here is to follow the manufacturer's directions for both your new sealer and the old one. Sealers can be tricky! Your surface really needs to look clean and just how you want it to appear before you apply a fresh layer. Old stains and grime definitely need to be addressed; otherwise, once that new seal goes on, it’s there for the long haul. If you aren't sure about the old product, it might be worth calling the manufacturer for advice on how to prep the surface properly.


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