Why are my seedlings dying suddenly?

Asked By Z3nG4rden On

I'm really struggling with my seedlings lately, and I'm not sure what's going wrong. I've had several of them—like tomatoes, peppers, and even a passion fruit—start off fine for a few weeks, developing 2 to 3 sets of true leaves, but then they just suddenly droop and fall over. I usually find them droopy in the morning and by night, they're just down and out. I have an 85-watt grow light about 20 inches above them, and they're in Coast of Maine Seedling Soil. I make sure to water deeply each time the surface dries out. There's a small fan blowing on them at night too, and I keep the windows open during the day. The room temperature stays between 65 and 70 degrees. Any advice on what could be causing these issues? Thanks a lot!

3 Answers

Answered By G4rdenM0nkey On

It sounds like you might be overwatering your seedlings. I went through a similar situation and found that when the soil stays too wet, it can cause the stems to weaken due to bacteria or fungus, leading to the plants tipping over. Maybe try watering a bit less?

Answered By PlantL0ver42 On

I don't use grow lights myself, but it sounds like yours should be much closer to the seedlings. They generally prefer consistent moisture in the soil while small, so try to avoid letting them dry out.

Answered By GardenGuru99 On

If your seedlings are that size and still in seed starter soil, they probably need more nutrients. You might want to repot them in a richer soil once they're big enough. Seed starter mixes tend to lack nutrients for the longer term.


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