Affordable Places to Find Large Plant Pots in Germany?

Asked By PlantLover32 On

I'm searching for large plant pots in Germany that won't break the bank. I need a variety of sizes, up to about 5 gallons, and I've already spent too much on pots! Any suggestions on where I can find affordable options?

2 Answers

Answered By OnlineShopperGal On

Have you considered buying grow bags online? Fabric bags can be really affordable, and they have some nice benefits for plants, like better drainage and flexibility.

Answered By CementCrafter99 On

If you're feeling a bit crafty, you might want to consider making your own pots. You just need a bag of cement, some chicken wire, polybond, and old cloth. I’ve done it before and they turn out really nice! Just grease the form you’re using so you can take the pot out easily. Let the cloth soak in a cement-polybond-water mix, layer it up, and wrap the chicken wire around once it’s dry. A coat of masonry paint can make them look great too!


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